How to read your IKGA Registration Certificate
A. Certificate Heading: (color coded for a specific type of KIKO)
Gold - New Zealand Fullblood
Silver - American Premier Purebred
Light Green - Percentage
B. IKGA Registration Number Structure:
YY - Year goat was born
X - F = 100% Fullblood New Zealand; P = 94% +
(space is intentionally blank if less than 94%)
##### - Permanent number assigned by IKGA
HHH - Your Farm Herd Prefix (3 or 4 digits)
* - indicates the animal is registered Elite
P - % status
ZZ - parentage verification status
C. Animal name and breeder information:
Animal's registered name
Breeder's name and full address
D. Breeding, rearing status and litter size born:
Breeding - Pasture Breeding (Natural), AI, Embryo Transfer Reared - Suckled, Bottle Fed
# of Kids Born - 1=Single, 2=Twins, 3=Triplets, etc.
E. Basic Registration information:
Percentage - Percentage of Kiko
DOB - Date of Birth of animal listed on certificate
Permanent ID - Number assigned by IKGA
Microchip - Microchip number (if used)
Tattoo - Left and Right Tattoos (if used)
Tag # - Ear Tag Number
F. IKGA Classification:
1 - New Zealand Fullblood
2 - American Premier Purebred
3 - Percentage of Kiko
4 - Elite (NZ, PB & % - ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY)
G. Pedigree information:
Listing IKGA Registration Numbers of ancestors.
NOTE: New Zealand Fullbloods MUST have all animals on the pedigree from these specific New Zealand herd prefixes: GGL, CPR, HSL, SET, BTH, ARA, BAR, TLR,
H. Original Document Verification:
All Certificates have a watermark
I. Authenticity Verification:
All certificates have a metallic seal imprinted with The IKGA Registrar Seal
J. Performance Data:
1 - Birth weight in lbs
2 - 90 day weight in lbs
3 - Ratio (compared to contemporary group)
4 - Contemporary group size (number of kids in crop)
5 - Litter size weaned (can be different than litter size born)
6 - 180 day weight in lbs
7 - Management style (level of supplementation)
8 - DOB of dam
K. Registrar Signature:
Original signature, printed Registrar name & date
Ownership transfers are recorded on the reverse side and stamped by the Registrar.