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The IKGA recognizes goats in the following divisions and classifications:


Goats must be born on or after November 1, 2009. This IKGA MEMBERS ONLY registry will be open to all classes of goats (i.e. Elite NZ Fullbloods, Elite American Premier Purebreds etc.). The Elite Class Registry will highlight those goats that have been parentage verified and that meet minimum weight requirements. The regular IKGA registry will still be available for registering goats without DNA information and/or that do not meet the minimum weight requirements. The MANDATORY requirements and data that must be submitted to the Registrar for a goat to be registered in the Elite Class Registry are as follows:

1) Goat must be born on or after November 1, 2009. No transfers of older goats born before this date will be allowed even if they meet all other requirements below.

2) Goat must be DNA genotyped and parentage verified through the IKGA DNA Program. Sire and dam must be DNA genotyped through the IKGA DNA Program if they have not been previously DNA genotyped as of June 1, 2010.

3) Goat must weigh 35 lbs. if a doe and 40 lbs. if a buck at 90 days.

4) Goat must weigh 60 lbs. if a doe and 65 lbs. if a buck at 180 days.

5) In addition to the traditional information submitted to register a goat, the following data must also be submitted to the Registrar:
a) 90 day weight
b) 180 day weight
c) number of kids born
d) number of kids weaned
e) date of birth of dam
f) management style

6) Goat must be 6 months or older before they are allowed to be registered.





1.  New Zealand Fullblood Kiko

This classification preserves the original Kiko bloodlines from New Zealand.

• Both sire and dam, of the goat being registered, must be registered New Zealand Fullblood Kikos
• The goat being registered must be a descendant exclusively from the initial Kikos imported into the United States from New Zealand as identified by their New Zealand herd prefix (GGL, CPR, HSL, SET, BTH, ARA, BAR, TLR, MRM, WWG, MAS AND RST)
• Both bucks and does can be registered in this classification


2.  American Premier Purebred Kiko

This classification recognizes the Kiko bloodlines developed in North America.

• Gold Seal AKGA Registered goats (i.e. 15/16 or 94% Kiko Blood or higher) are eligible for registration in this classification.
• Sire is a registered American Premier Purebred Kiko (or New Zealand Fullblood) and the dam is a registered 7/8 (88%) percentage Kiko or higher. (The goat being registered, however, must be 15/16 or 94% or higher Kiko blood)

• Both bucks and does can be registered in this classification.

• Note: A disciplined "breeding up" program can be used to develop goats qualified for this classification.


3.  Percentage Kiko

This classification recognizes DOES that are various crosses with the Kiko at selected percentage levels. A wide variety of goat breeds are crossed with the Kiko for this purpose.

• The percentage of Kiko blood can vary from 50% to less than 94%.
• One parent must be an American Premier Purebred Kiko (or New Zealand Fullblood Kiko)
• Non-Kiko genetics must be specifically identified if known. (otherwise must be listed as "unknown")
• Only does can be registered in this classification


4.  Commercial Kiko (Un-Registered)

This classification recognizes animals that are various crosses with the Kiko at any percentage levels. A wide variety of goat breeds are crossed with the Kiko for this purpose.

• NO registration papers are issued for Commercial Kikos


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